Town or gown?
posted April 3, 2011 7:28 AM   RSS

Cambridge pubs, taverns, beer gardens and taprooms: the illustrated guide.
Hello all! I have temporarily moved to Cambridge and would like some company while I'm here. I know there are mefites here, I can sense it in the air!

I suggest we meet at a nice little (but not too little) pub and have a few pints, maybe even outside if the weather is kind?

Time and venue are up for grabs - but I'm only here for three weeks before I move on to Londontown so let's carpe diem :)
posted by citands to Proposed (4 comments total)

I'm interested. Possibly end of this week, next week I'm in London, could do the week after. Pub ideas - Kingston Arms (maybe a bit small unless we book a table). Cambridge Blue (has decent outside area).
posted by crocomancer at 4:14 AM on April 4, 2011

I'll be homelessly and hopelessly travelling around for the last 12 days of April, so if it's later in the month, I may be able to make it!
posted by iamkimiam at 1:06 PM on April 4, 2011

Kingston would suit me down to the ground as it's staggering distance from my house! Iamkimiam, how are you fixed for the 16th, 17th? That'd be ideal for me?

Alternatively we could do a weeknight at the end of April? I'll be moving house at the weekend of the 23rd so probably best not to risk drinking at that time!
posted by citands at 10:27 AM on April 5, 2011

I am totally in! I'd love to meet some local mefites.

Kingston Arms and Cambridge Blue sound good, I'll add the flying pig and the elm tree as other potential options. There's pretty good live jazz at the cricketer on monday night if people are up for that...

Anytime other than 13-18 April works...
posted by narcotizingdysfunction at 4:43 PM on April 10, 2011

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