FREE!!: David Lodge discusses H. G. Wells at the V&A
posted June 15, 2011 2:26 PM   RSS | iCal | +googleCal

Fri June 17 at 7:00 PM, Victoria and Albert Museum
Cromwell Rd, Kensington, Greater London SW7 5, UK (Map & Directions)
David Lodge, novelist, critic and sharp satirist of academic life and politics, will be discussing the work and life of the father of science fiction and shagger extraordinaire H.G. Wells at the V&A this Friday, 17 June at 7pm. Let me know if you'd like a free ticket! - I have a few spares (RRP £9) which I'm happy to donate to any interested Mefites.
posted by HandfulOfDust to Presentation (2 comments total)

We'll be going, anyway - if you spot me, please shout / wave / throw things, as I'm rubbish at recognising people in crowds.

(V&A lectures are great - in the last couple of years we've been to see Alans Moore and Bennett, and Peters Saville and Greenway amongst others).
posted by Grangousier at 2:01 AM on June 16, 2011

Oh good news! See you there. And yes – the V&A lectures are terrific.
posted by HandfulOfDust at 2:45 AM on June 16, 2011

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