Mefites Assemble: Avengers Exhibition In Times Square
posted May 27, 2014 12:04 PM   RSS

Starting May 30th, The Discovery Times Square Pavilion will be featuring an interactive Marvel Avengers S.T.A.T.I.O.N experience with props, displays, and such. And while I'm sure it'll be pricey and cheesy and dumb - I WANT TO GO YOU GUYS.
Plus, drinks afterward?
posted by The Whelk to Proposed (20 comments total)


though I'm probably going to go to NYC in the fall so maybe y'all will do a revisit

i have a chibi captain america hat arriving any day now
posted by NoraReed at 4:19 PM on May 27, 2014

It's an in-universe show too, so we all get to pretend the chitaturi did demolish midtown!

also uh in my fanfic novella there is a scene at the Discovery Pavillion and now I'm weirded out
posted by The Whelk at 5:00 PM on May 27, 2014

Oooooooh! Maybe June 14th?
posted by wiskunde at 5:42 PM on May 27, 2014

posted by The Whelk at 5:49 PM on May 27, 2014

I vote for June 7th or 8th.
posted by oh yeah! at 8:36 PM on May 27, 2014

8th works for me!
posted by The Whelk at 8:56 AM on May 28, 2014

Okay looks like I'm going to the meetup on the 9th so maybe the week after! My week got very Suddently busy.
posted by The Whelk at 6:19 PM on May 31, 2014

Whoops, things got busy! How about Sunday, June 29?
posted by wiskunde at 9:36 AM on June 14, 2014

I will be in Maine! The 22nd works.
posted by The Whelk at 9:48 AM on June 14, 2014

22nd is fine by me.
posted by oh yeah! at 11:43 AM on June 14, 2014

I'll be upstate then. Let me know how it is please. :)
posted by wiskunde at 2:42 PM on June 15, 2014

Actually now my June is ..booked up soild

Let's talk about July.
posted by The Whelk at 7:37 PM on June 16, 2014

I will have availability in the second two weeks of July.
posted by mountmccabe at 6:35 AM on June 18, 2014

Yeah thinking second week in July ...
posted by The Whelk at 9:10 AM on June 27, 2014

Boom changed to the 20th.
posted by The Whelk at 9:12 AM on June 27, 2014

A group of old friends has already arranged a visit to the exhibit on the 19th, so I'm gonna bow out of this meetup. Thanks though and I hope everyone has a great time!
posted by wiskunde at 7:18 AM on July 11, 2014

And now I will be out of town for the 20th! Drat.
posted by mountmccabe at 7:03 PM on July 13, 2014

Hey, The Whelk, did you still want to do this tomorrow? I'm still getting over whatever bug I had last week that made me need to bail on last night's meetup so early, so, I think I'm going to need to stay on my side of the Hudson this weekend.
posted by oh yeah! at 12:26 PM on July 19, 2014

Yeah it's looking like this weekend is a bust, I'll make it a TO BE DETERMINED cause it;s an ongoing show
posted by The Whelk at 2:37 PM on July 19, 2014

Just wanted to note: I went this afternoon with some old friends and it was AWESOME! Lots to play with, lines were reasonable, and it was all around a lot of fun! We stayed longer than I had expected: our slot was 2:30 and I think we left the building a little before 5pm or so. If scheduling works out and you're on the fence, I recommend it.
posted by wiskunde at 7:23 PM on July 19, 2014

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