3 posts tagged with giantrobots.
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Tokyo online meetup #8
State of Emergency may be over, but who wants to bother with taking the train when we can meet up on Zoom! Join us for week 8 of our Zoom meetup marathon. [more inside]
Tokyo online meetup #7
Hey everybody, Tokyo/Japan Metafilter is on a roll! Come join us for the seventh week in a row for some scintillating conversation, moments of trivia, desktop show and tell and whatever else we get up to. [more inside]
Tokyo / all-Japan special Greenery Day get-together
It's easy to lose track, but Golden Week is upon us! Let's celebrate Golden Week's Greenery Day (Monday, May 4) together!. We can all reminisce about Greenery Day events through the ages, exchange Greenery Day trivia (surprisingly, Greenery Day has nothing to do with the American rock band called Green Day), and discuss how Greenery Day has affected our lives. Do you remember where you were the year that "GD" was moved from April 29 to May 4? [more inside]