18 posts tagged with Richmond.
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RVA MeFites
Saw a buncha comments from Richmonders in the Virginia elections thread. We should have a meetup! How about at F.W. Sullivan's in the Fan? What days/times are y'all available?
First Friday in Richmond VA
Drinks, food and art. I will be in Richmond for First Friday and want to explore the heck out of it on foot. Lemaire at the Jefferson Hotel has fancy happy hour in the bar from 4 to 7 pm. Appetizers 3 for $20, wine and drink specials. The Lantern Parade starts at 7 pm. There are light sculptures around the Arts District. If there's later night blues music that would be even more swell. Come wander with me. [more inside]
Sunset Bike Ride to Richmond Hill, 17 June from 7pm
Several West London branches of the LCC are organising leisurely group rides to converge at The Roebuck pub on Richmond Hill. We'll watch the sunset, and then ride back en masse after dark. Groups will leave from departure points in Ealing, Hammersmith, Hounslow [PDF], Wimbledon and other boroughs. Departures vary between 7pm and 8pm, so see links or inside for details. [more inside]
Vancouver, BC at The Storm Crow Tavern
I'll be in Vancouver from Friday July 19th for two nights. Anyone want to get together for drinks or something? [more inside]
grouse in SF 11/11, Trad'r Sam
I am again visiting your fine city and would like to meet the lovely MeFi SF crowd. Let's meet up at Trad'r Sam tiki bar! Note well: cash only.
Richmond, VA meetup at Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens
We're overdue for a meetup and I was thinking the GardenFest of Lights at Lewis Ginter would be interesting. It's only $11 dollars and maybe we could grab dinner beforehand? As a Richmond native, I'm sad to say that I've never been to Lewis Ginter (sad I know). What does everyone think?
A very special pub trivia night.
Just for something completely different this Wednesday, how about pub trivia at the Corner? Oh, and IT'S JONATHANSTRANGE'S BIRTHDAY!!! [more inside]
We need to win more beer.
Who is up for trivia this week at the Corner Hotel? [more inside]
Trivial trivia
Weekly Melbourne trivia is on again - the corner hotel, from 7pm...table for Kate short for Bob. Who's in???
More MidWeek McGuire Melbourne MeFi Meetups?
Who's up for more MeFi Melbourne pub trivia? [more inside]
Duckpin Bowling at Plaza Bowl
Hey! The group has spoken, and it looks like there is interest in duckpin bowling. Let's go! [more inside]
Richmond, VA Meetup Interests
Hey Richmondland Mefites!
Interested in doing another meetup? What are you into? What days and times work for everyone? [more inside]
WRIR's Party for the Rest of Us
Richmond Independent Radio (WRIR 97.3) is hosting their fifth "Party for the Rest of Us" at the Renaissance Ballroom in Richmond on Saturday, February 5th from 7pm-12. [more inside]
Style Weekly's New Year's Launch Party with Three Sheets to the Wind
It's New Year's Eve in Richmond, VA, and you're dressed in yachting attire. Or possibly 80s attire. Either way, you're going to need somewhere to go. I have just the thing. [more inside]
Lunch at Strange Matter
Hey Guys!
Group interest has shifted from the Bizarre to the Strange! Let's meet at Strange Matter for lunch at 1:00 on Saturday, December 11th. [more inside]
Three Sheets to the Wind at Massey on the River (benefit)
My band Three Sheets to the Wind -- America's #1 Tribute to Yacht Rock will be the featured entertainment at the 2010 Massey On the River, a charity event that raises money for cancer research. [more inside]
Third Thursdays with Three Sheets to the Wind
Three Sheets to the Wind, America's #1 Tribute to Yacht Rock (featuring yours truly on keys and vocals) sails into The Republic once a month for a night of debauchery and Christopher Cross songs (two of 'em!) Somebody in our crew is stuck out of town, so we've changed the date of the 8/19 show to 9/2. [more inside]
Meetup at Mekong, not IN Mekong
There's already a Metatalk thread about this meetup, but I thought I'd give the new subsite some love, too. Judging from who's already responded in the Metatalk thread, this is shaping up to be bigger than past Richmond meetups...