3 posts tagged with Debate.
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Final Presidential Debate, in Hecklevision
Last chance, the third and final presidential debate in Hecklevision, with 9 of Portland's best standup comedians scrolling tweet-heckles up the bottom third of the screen. Nariko Ott, Alex Falcone, JoAnn Schinderle, Laci Day, Katie Nguyen, Riley Fox, Coor Cohen and MeFi's own Mark Saltveit. The first two have sold out and been super fun. $6 in advance, likely sold out on same day but $8 if not. http://www.secretsociety.net/event/1338033-hollywood-theatre-pbr-portland/
Debate scouting?
So, yeah, the other day I kind of suggested that I might be up for doing this. Anyone else want to come along? [more inside]
Goatober and Presidential Smackdown 2012
October 3rd is both the first Wednesday in October (GOATUP!) and the first presidential debate of the season. [more inside]