Lake Wenatchee State Park, WA  IRL events around Lake Wenatchee State Park, WA RSS | iCal | showing:

August 9, 2015

11 attending
3 maybe

Lake Wenatchee campout, Pt. II: This Time, It's Personal

THIS EVENT IS ONE WEEK AWAY! ALL SYSTEMS GO. Ok gang, let's try again! This event didn't happen due to weather, so we're doing it Oct. 2-4. [more inside]
Lake Wenatchee State Park, WA at Lake Wenatchee State Park, WA, 1PM by Greg_Ace - 135 comments

February 8, 2015

3 attending
5 maybe

MeFi OR/WA campout 2015

We had so much fun at the last campout that we're doing it again - this time in central Washington. UPDATE: CANCELLED DUE TO EXTREME WEATHER. :( We'll try again in the fall. [more inside]
Lake Wenatchee State Park, WA at Lake Wenatchee St. Park, 5PM by Greg_Ace - 104 comments