Birmingham, AL  IRL events around Birmingham, AL RSS | iCal | showing:

July 13, 2015

9 attending
0 maybe

Hey Birmingham! We are coming to visit.

Cortex and I want to check out Birmingham and meet some mefites! The plan is that we'll meet up at Trim Tab Brewing, then head to Babalu for tapas. [more inside]
Birmingham, AL at Trim Tab Brewing, 5PM by Secretariat - 23 comments

August 20, 2011

1 attending
0 maybe

Home Sweet Home

Hey y'all, I'm going to be home in Alabama in a couple weeks. I'm going on a retreat in Birmingham from Friday evening the 26th to Sunday afternoon the 28th. I'd love to have a meetup there for a late lunch Friday or for dinner on Sunday. Any takers? (And FYI, I'm vegetarian, so if you propose a barbecue place, at least make sure it has baked potatoes or some such on hand.)
Birmingham, AL at Bottletree Cafe, 2PM by ocherdraco - 6 comments