Toronto: Long weekend + board games?
posted June 11, 2012 11:42 AM   RSS

Deck building on a deck.* Saturday June 30th. postponed!

Regular, irregular sided dice, and no dice. Come all and defend your territories, railroads, or vocabularies.

* deck building is not guaranteed. I don't own one of those games yet.
posted by mayurasana to Proposed (20 comments total) 2 users marked this as a favorite

I love the idea of a picnic & I've never been to the Islands so I'm totally down for this; the potluck provisioning worked out really well for the meetup this past Saturday. And not having to drive home at 5 AM! I feel so old saying that =( But I can't make the first weekend in July, sorry, because we are signed up for a preschool camping trip. If another weekend is an option then I am in.
posted by flex at 12:23 PM on June 11, 2012

flex, would the Canada Day long weekend work? I can only make it the long weekend (June 30, July 1 & 2) and July 7 & 8. But I tend to figure people already have plans for the long weekend (I don't, hmph). If locals would like to meet up then, I'm up for it. Alternative logistical ideas, Mefites? Two meet-ups in July? Barring the rest of the month, I'm flexible.
posted by mayurasana at 4:34 PM on June 11, 2012

I would be in for either weekend but I may be travelling for work sometime in July so earlier may work better for me. Also Canada itself is crazy busy on the islands so maybe the day before or after would be a better time.
posted by troll on a pony at 5:02 PM on June 11, 2012

July 7th is doable. July 8th I am already double-booked.
posted by ricochet biscuit at 5:52 PM on June 11, 2012

The Canada Day long weekend works for me (better than a normal weekend actually because of the extra day to do family stuff & get housework done - we don't have any plans other than the usual) but I don't necessarily expect it will work for other people? Saturday June 30th would be great for me... two meetups in July is a fine idea as well.
posted by flex at 7:52 PM on June 11, 2012

I'm driving out from Edmonton to spend most of July in Toronto, and I'd definitely come to a MeFi meetup. I'm busy on June 30th and July 1st (Tragically Hip concerts) but the 2nd, 7th and 8th all work for me.
posted by Fully Completely at 2:21 AM on June 12, 2012

I would potentially be interested, but I am so likely to bail at the last minute due to doggie issues, that it isn't worth considering my date preferences.
posted by jacquilynne at 5:43 AM on June 12, 2012

Or, you know, board games indoors on the long weekend. I can always get behind a good session of Apples to Apples or Balderdash. Or if you are moderately hardcore, Axis and Allies. Or is you are seriously hardcore, Republic of Rome. Or if you can acquit yourself well in a fistfight, Diplomacy. Whatever.
posted by ricochet biscuit at 9:18 AM on June 14, 2012

I would like to make a suggestion here if I may, no hijacking intended. I could hold the meetup at my place. My building has a party room with an outdoor patio attached with 2 BBQ's that could easily hold 20 people or more. The indoor part can handle 10-12 people quite easily and has its own kitchen if we felt like doing a pot luck. Not quite the island but I'll bring down some plants so we can pretend.

I have been thinking about posting a meetup to do some wine/whisky tasting as I am a lapsed sommelier and really could use some practice running a tasting or two if people are interested. I am on the subway in North York so it's easy to get here by car or transit. Let me know if this works for you.
posted by troll on a pony at 1:58 PM on June 14, 2012

I can do board games (I can even bring some), I can't do Monday but I can do Saturday, and I did enjoy Snakes and Lattes but I don't think it was big enough to accommodate a group of us crashing it (our MeFi meetup there was only six people IIRC). So I think troll on a pony's idea is lovely, with a picnic later on in July? Are there enough people for a long weekend meetup?
posted by flex at 9:14 PM on June 14, 2012

troll on a pony, that's a great idea and thanks for offering to host! What can we do to help? If it's a go, shall I update the proposal description?

ricochet biscuit, Axis and Allies is by the same people who make Ikusa (aka Shogun aka Samurai Swords). I've never played the former, but I'm game. And the others sounds good. Dominion too, if anyone has that.

flex, we'll target Saturday then. When do we usually switch from proposed to confirmed? So far it seems troll on a pony, you, myself and richochet biscuit can attend.
posted by mayurasana at 10:17 AM on June 15, 2012

All I have to do is reserve the room and we are good to go. I will do that first thing tomorrow and let you know mayurasana. Depending on how many people show up an extra chair or two would be good but we can decide that later. Otherwise it's all good I think.
posted by troll on a pony at 2:35 PM on June 15, 2012

Well it turns out the party room is booked for the next 3 weekends. *Facepalm* So I booked it for July 14th in case this date works. Otherwise we need a plan B. Sorry about that.
posted by troll on a pony at 9:26 AM on June 16, 2012

Picnics are awesome, board games are awesome, BBQs are awesome, so I'm up for any and all of the above.

The long weekend is just about the only time I'm not free, though. 14th would work.
posted by felixc at 11:46 AM on June 17, 2012

My weekends are pretty booked up for the next month, but there's some chance I can make one or two of these dates. I have a ton of board games, but I'm also a big fan of whisky. I'm a tentative yes depending on date/time.
posted by drklahn at 2:28 PM on June 17, 2012

Is this event happening July 14th?
posted by cranberrymonger at 3:30 PM on June 20, 2012

I would be interested in a Toronto-area meetup. If one gets arranged, I would be grateful if someone could send me a message.

Thanks a lot!
posted by sindark at 1:28 PM on June 21, 2012

Well with my job there is always a risk of short notice business trips but it looks like my next trip will be after July 15th so I am willing to make the July 14th date official. Lets start the planning! Suggested start time of 2pm but I am totally flexible on that. Next step: head count!
posted by troll on a pony at 2:59 PM on June 21, 2012

Well, mayurasana can't make the 14th and this is her meetup thread, so I guess we have to decide if we're going to do anything the June 30th or the July 7th weekend here (and start another thread for a picnic or for meeting at troll on a pony's place).

I have to bow out of this thread since I'm suddenly (much) busier than I expected to be with other obligations so I can't make June 30th after all (and as I said I can't make the July 7th weekend). Sorry, mayurasana! =/

There seemed to be enough interest for July 7-8 so maybe that can shake out? I'll catch y'all again after that I hope.
posted by flex at 7:50 AM on June 22, 2012

As much as I'd like to be around for the 14th, I'll be out of town. (Too bad, since there are many great events happening in TO that weekend!) July 2nd and the weekend of the 7th don't work for me anymore.

It appears there isn't much (or any, really) availability for meeting June 30th, so I'll postpone a boardgames meetup and meet you Mefites some other time. Have a great long weekend!
posted by mayurasana at 11:46 AM on June 25, 2012

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