2 posts tagged with steak by jph.
Displaying 1 through 2 of 2.

The Safeword is "Bananas."

Last time, we came away with first and second place, which means that we have a $50 bar tab this time. That's a lot of cheese-stuffed jalapeños, y'all. The more the merrier! If we field three teams, do we think we can land ALL the top honors? [more inside]
posted by jph on Aug 2, 2011 - 10 comments

Pub Trivia

We've tested out Geeks Who Drink and found their trivia entertaining and enjoyable. We've tested a couple locations, and we think that the following is ideal: centrally located, with some food options, late enough that we're not going to have to skeedaddle from work to get there, etc. And so, on May 19 at 8:00pm (get there a touch early!) we're going to the Maple Leaf Pub to kick some nerdy ass.
posted by jph on May 4, 2011 - 23 comments

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