5 posts tagged with billygoat and frog.
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Post Labor Day Goatup
Speaking of. . .GOAT FROG MoMu15
It's next week, folks. It sneaked up on me; don't let it sneak up on you. Join fellow MeFites in Chicago for our Month of Meetups celebrating MetaFilter's 15th anniversary EVERY! DAY! OF! JULY! [more inside]
Billy Goat Gruff
I have a great idea! Let's get together at the classic Chicago bar, the Billy Goat Tavern! [more inside]
Goat Song
Goat Song : Chicago is the story of a year in the life of a group of mefites who abandoned their one-bedroom apartments in Chicago to live under Michigan Avenue raise Billy Goats. In poetic, reverent detail, EvilSpork talks of our ancient relationship to the land and our gradual alienation from the Billy Goats that feed us. His fascinating account traces his journey of the choosing of the billy goat, and learning how to breed, brew, and curse the cubs with them. [more inside]
See You Next Week--April Goatening
As the trickster sprite eamondaly threw me out of a cab last night, he rather cheerfully noted "See you next week!" which, of course, is true. Next week is the April Goatening.
You should come.