3 posts tagged with benelux.
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Beer lovers in Leuven will have the time of their life on the last weekend of April. Leuven will be bubbling as the City of Beer.

So this just snuck up on me. The largest beer festival in Europe is happening in my back yard this weekend and Leucistic Cuttlefish will also be here, anyone able to join us on short notice? [more inside]
posted by Blasdelb on Apr 25, 2013 - 5 comments

Meet Some Neighborhood MeFites in Amsterdam

eugenen will be in Amsterdam mid-March and has called for a meetup. We'll gather on 16 March, starting at 16h00 at Arendsnest (Herengracht 90, Amsterdam centrum) for beers and snacks and whatever follows those things when we BeNeLuxMeFites get together, e.g. chicken. A good headcount is necessary so we can reserve an Arendsnest table.
posted by knile on Mar 4, 2013 - 41 comments

BeNeLux meetup?

I am an American PhD student now studying in Leuven for the next four years and I'm wondering if there is anyone interested in a Metafilter meetup. I'm not really sure what I have in mind but we could always go out for drinks or something if we can't think of anything.
posted by Blasdelb on Jul 9, 2012 - 97 comments

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