9 posts tagged with action.
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10 actions / 100 days from the Women's March - let's start this
I went to the Women's March in SF with some other MeFites and found it a great experience, so I'd like to keep doing ... something. The organizers of the march have started a campaign to continue the momentum, with 10 suggested actions over the next 100 days. How about we get together and try out the first of these actions? We'll write some postcards to Congress, drink some beer, and encourage each other to not just crawl under the blankets for the next 4 years. [more inside]
Riddle Me That! Redux Redux Redux Redux Redux Redux - NEW LOCATION!
EXCITING NEW LATE NIGHT EDITION! Riddle Me That! is a game show team trivia challenge for everyone! Trivia! Points! Physical Challenges! MeFites! Shirtless thumb-wrestling! Headstands! Shooting Nerf arrows through a hole in a sheet! Throwing balls into buckets! Extended fart noises! A complete lack of roof leaks! Exclamation points! [more inside]
Riddle Me That! Redux Redux Redux Redux Redux Redux - CHANGE OF LOCATION!
CHANGE OF LOCATION! Riddle Me That! is leaving Town Hall Pub for greener pastures, so as a fill-in event, let's challenge Reddit for trivia supremacy. [more inside]
Riddle Me That! Redux Redux Redux Redux Redux
Another month, another trivia meetup! Riddle Me That! is a game show team trivia challenge for everyone! Trivia! Points! Physical Challenges! MeFites! Shirtless thumb-wrestling! Headstands! Shooting Nerf arrows through a hole in a sheet! Throwing balls into buckets! Extended fart noises! Exclamation points! [more inside]
Riddle Me That! Redux Redux Redux Redux
Another month, another trivia meetup! Riddle Me That! is a game show team trivia challenge for everyone! Trivia! Points! Physical Challenges! MeFites! Shirtless thumb-wrestling! Headstands! Shooting Nerf arrows through a hole in a sheet! Throwing balls into buckets! Exclamation points! [more inside]
Riddle Me That! Redux Redux Redux
Another month, another trivia meetup! Riddle Me That! is a game show team trivia challenge for everyone! Trivia! Points! Physical Challenges! MeFites! Shirtless thumb-wrestling! Headstands! Shooting Nerf arrows through a hole in a sheet! Exclamation points! [more inside]
Riddle Me That! Redux Redux
Another month, another trivia meetup! Riddle Me That! is a game show team trivia challenge for everyone! Trivia! Points! Physical Challenges! MeFites! Shirtless thumb-wrestling! Headstands! Exclamation points! [more inside]
Riddle Me That! Redux
Another month, another trivia meetup! Riddle Me That! is a game show team trivia challenge for everyone! Trivia! Points! Physical Challenges! MeFites! Shirtless thumb-wrestling! Ping-pong ball races! Exclamation points! [more inside]
Riddle Me That!
It's a game show team trivia challenge for everyone! Trivia! Points! Physical Challenges! MeFites! Shirtless thumb-wrestling! Ping-pong ball races! [more inside]