Singapore's First!!!1!!
posted April 28, 2011 7:06 AM   RSS

Looks like there has never been a Singapore meetup. With a population 3 times that of Manhattan, this omission will not stand. Time for the first one!
I'm somewhat new to the city, so will suggest the two places I've been to that are cool for a meetup: Emerald Hill and Chijmes. Other suggestions would be great as well. As for date, we could do May 7th if it works for enough people. See you all there!
posted by shazzam to Proposed (12 comments total)

Looks like there has never been a Singapore meetup. With a population 3 times that of Manhattan, this omission will not stand.

Not true. I'm positive there's been at least one or two meetups before (pre IRL days).
posted by special-k at 3:32 PM on April 28, 2011

I'd enjoy meeting my meFi neighbors in Singapore and would attend a meetup.
posted by mumbletiger at 5:52 PM on April 29, 2011

I'll be there if I can (there definitely have been other meetups, but yes, before irl.)

As you're new I'll forgive you for Chijmes; for touristy easy-to-get-to places I quite like Iguana Bar. They have a genuinely good range of tequilas and at least some staff who know what they're talking about. Anyone going to pick a date?
posted by m1ndsurfer at 9:50 PM on April 29, 2011

May 7th is polling day, and I (might) be acting as a polling agent all day, so if it's on that day I won't be able to go.
posted by WalterMitty at 9:15 AM on May 2, 2011

Not May 7th, please. It's polling day (as WalterMitty points out) and I will be very nervously watching the election results stream in over the course of the evening.

True to Singaporean fashion, our meetups in recent memory seem to centre around food rather than drink ;) Did you just move here, shazzam? We'll be glad to recommend places to eat and drink if you let us know what you have in mind!
posted by hellopanda at 9:59 AM on May 2, 2011

apologies for not responding swiftly enough to the initial call; been too caught up with election news and attending rallies to even log on to mefi.
posted by hellopanda at 10:21 AM on May 2, 2011

Yeah, elections this time around have become rather big; a lot of emotion running on May 7th. Might not be a good time; Sunday afternoon may be better?

If we're going to do e-Hill though, let's not do Ice-Cold Beer, but instead hit that Peranakan shop-house place next to it, it's called No 5 Emerald Hill I think; slightly more cozy.

The other possibility is to head to RedDot at Dempsey Hill; great green beer for one. Slightly removed from the crowds, for another.

I really don't have a horse to ride on eitherways; just throwing up options and times. Can't confirm as yet either; stuff's coming up.
posted by the cydonian at 8:44 PM on May 3, 2011

Sunday's Mother's Day (I know, I know), so I can't entirely confirm. Anytime before 3pm is out though. I'm good wherever we decide to go.
posted by hellopanda at 11:42 AM on May 4, 2011

So what's the deal then? Are we going ahead with today?
posted by the cydonian at 11:40 PM on May 6, 2011

'Parrently not; I'm out of town next weekend too (long-long weekend thanks to Vesak day), so how about Sunday 22nd?

I'd vote for Prince of Wales in Boat Quay. Dempsey Hill is a bit of a pain to get to and Boat Quay is quiet enough on a Sunday.
posted by m1ndsurfer at 4:11 AM on May 8, 2011

This looks like it's never going to happen. Prove me wrong!!

Ooh just throwing out a wild idea here. Is there any chance of doing a mefi picnic at PinkDot come June 18th?
posted by hellopanda at 11:15 AM on May 22, 2011

PinkDot is a very worthy cause but my understanding is only Singaporeans and PRs are allowed to participate. I'm still onboard for a meetup, though, if someone has the time to organize it.
posted by mumbletiger at 2:29 AM on May 24, 2011

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