3 posts tagged with regional.
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Spring 2019 OR-WA Regional Canpout CANCELED

After researching further I've decided that this isn't a workable plan at this point - (a) June in the Olympic peninsula part of the world is colder and a lot wetter than I realized; and (b) July or August seems to be the best bet weather-wise, but ALL campsites at all the campgrounds I looked into are already booked for ALL those weekends. I'll try this again next year, but start the planning a couple months earlier. Sorry, everyone!
posted by Greg_Ace on Jan 13, 2019 - 58 comments

MeFur meetup at BLFC - May 12-15

Metafilter has a number of furry and furry-friendly members and lurkers. Biggest Little FurCon in Reno from May 12-15 seems to be the spring con that everybody is going to. Let's have a meet-n-greet in the Main Stage space near the artist's alley at 1:30 PM on Saturday. [more inside]
posted by hackwolf on Mar 18, 2016 - 8 comments

Metafilter NW Campout Extravaganza, Fall 2016 edition

It's that time of year again! We've had two campouts (actually 3) so far, and they've all been a ton of fun. UPDATE: We've decided on Wallowa Lake in NE Oregon, DATE CHANGED TO SEPT. 23-25. Here's a Google Docs spreadsheet for planning meals, equipment, etc. [more inside]
posted by Greg_Ace on Feb 13, 2016 - 111 comments

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