2 posts tagged with internet.
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Minneapolis Meetup: Internet Cat Video Festival 2014!

It's almost time for the annual Internet Cat Video Festival at the Walker Museum! Sit out on lawn chairs or blankets, enjoy food truck food, live music, and the company of thousands of fellow cat lovers. No tickets required. [more inside]
posted by gemutlichkeit on Aug 7, 2014 - 3 comments

Mefi post-transitpocalypse SF Meetup @ Zeitgeist

c'mon sea legs (who started the previous thread ) encouraged me to start this thread based on the last one since they've been slacking. :) This isn't the first SF Mefi Meetup, and it won't be the last, but given that I'm a recent transplant, I'd love to try and meet some of you people (waddaya mean "you people"?) and Zeit seems like just the place to start with that! This Friday, Zeitgeist, starting 6:30pm. [more inside]
posted by fragmede on Jul 9, 2013 - 20 comments

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