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Dalston/Hackney meetup! Why the f not.

**UPDATE: Meetup time/date/venue has been set!*** Ayyyy my nerrrrrds. I'm going to be visiting London—specifically Hackney/Dalston—at the end of October. Never been to England—but I'm from New England! ha ha ha ahem I'm probably gonna get hit by a car. Who's with me! Okay, that's not your thing, how about a pint or two at a local pub? I've been told by my one Brit friend to look for places that have names like "The Pig & Whistle" or "The Blue Rooster"... someplace that serves warm beer from a single tap, and has ugly food. He said it, not me. OKAY! deets inside. [more inside]
posted by not_on_display on Sep 26, 2023 - 19 comments

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