Reykjavík, Iceland  IRL events around Reykjavík, Iceland RSS | iCal | showing:

August 15, 2016

1 attending
0 maybe

In Iceland for a couple of weekends

Hey! My partner and I are going to be in Reykjavik on September 2nd and 3rd and then again on the 10th. I’ve noticed there’s a statistically improbable number of Mefites there and would love to grab a few drinks with y’all (or just serve as an excuse for a meetup). What do people think?

April 18, 2016

3 attending
1 maybe

Reykjavik, Iceland

Hey guys, I'm aware there just was a meetup last month, but was wondering if anyone wants another now in April? [more inside]
Reykjavík, Iceland at Kaffihús Vesturbæjar, 7PM by gmm - 11 comments

March 10, 2016

2 attending
1 maybe

Adrift in Reykjavik!

Hello mefites! I'm in Reykjavik, Iceland for the next five days on a tour group and its great except.....everyone else in my group goes to bed at 7pm. Anyone local and want to meet up for a drink? I'm near the Kex Hostel and there's a cool folk festival the next few nights which might be fun too. Let me know if you're around and want to meet up! [more inside]
Reykjavík, Iceland at Lebowski Bar in Reykjavik, 9PM by silverstatue - 8 comments

July 15, 2011

2 attending
2 maybe

And we're back.

I'll be back in Reykjavik from Wednesday, August 17 to Sunday, August 21st and would love to meet up. IRL. With you lovely people. Again. [more inside]

October 5, 2010

7 attending
0 maybe


Vegetarian kjötsúpa will also somehow be served! [more inside]
Reykjavík, Iceland at Chez krilli and svenni, 5PM by superquail - 27 comments